Journey to literature

Topic: Creativity

creativity is the manifestation of mankind...

Posted by: Khatunia   July 23, 2022 - 5:54am

?  Poetry  :  For  You Will Come  ⬆️ Poet  :  Jotsna Jari  . This morning is not spended yet   for  you will come   Yesterday was a dream with sleepy eyes all night  for  you will come...   .  The sound of continuous procession   expedition of people around  So I forgot the value & arrogance  for  you will come ...  .  I am very lonely & silent   in the dense moonlight   The surrounding is full of melodies  for  you will come ...  .  Kolkata is moving with traffic jam   The moon in the distance is smiling   softly   The petals of rose buds are blooming   for  you will come ... ? 


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Journey to literature